

Data published by Aon Plc, a London-based professional services firm, suggested that healthcare costs in the U.S. will rise by an average of 9% in 2025.

The expected increase to businesses would force the cost of healthcare up to $16,000 per employee, according to a report from Healthcare Innovation. In 2024, the average budget per employee is around $14,823, suggesting a large increase is going to hurt both employees and their employers.

“This projected increase, which assumes employers do not implement employee cost-sharing increases and other cost-saving strategies, is higher than the 6.4 percent increase to health care budgets that employers experienced from 2023 to 2024 after cost-savings strategies,” Aon North America chief actuary for Health Solutions, Debbie Ashford, said in a statement. (TAKE A POLL: Is the Government Doing Enough to Address Unemployment?)

Inflation To Blame?

“In the health care sector, both rising employment levels and wage increases fueled by economy-wide inflation during the past few years are pushing health care costs higher,” Ashford added.

Roughly 6.7 million employees across 950 U.S. companies were used in the analysis. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe Your Vote Can Make a Difference in Local Elections?)

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