

A report published in 2024 detailed how childhood vaccination rates dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 25 million children missing at least one shot in 2021, according to NPR.

Despite a push to get back on track with vaccination schedules, health authorities reported that rates continue to stall. NPR claims that vaccine rates and their “progress” are measured by using the DTP vaccine — diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Global health authorities want each country’s vaccination rate to be at least 90% by 2030, but the number is current sitting at around 84%.

“What’s more concerning, even than this, is that the number of zero dose children – those are children who don’t receive even a single dose of vaccine through the routine immunization program – actually increased,” World Health Organization (WHO) director of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Dr. Kate O’Brien said in the report. (TAKE A POLL: Have Your Shopping Habits Changed Permanently Due to the Pandemic?)

What Other Vaccines Are Ignored?

HPV is another relatively new vaccine, apparently targeting the human papillomavirus, that doesn’t have wide adoption throughout the U.S., specifically, according to a survey published in April 2023. “The overall low uptake of the HPV vaccine in this age group raises concerns regarding cancer prevention efforts,” study author Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters said in a press release regarding the data.

Low adoption of vaccines is likely due to diminishing public trust after the COVID-19 pandemic. A study published in Nature found that “vaccine hesitancy and trust challenges remain for public health practitioners, underscoring the need for targeted, culturally sensitive health communication strategies.” (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe Your Vote Can Make a Difference in Local Elections?)

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