

Data compiled under the free fitness app Flex AI found that West Virginia has the biggest issues with obesity as of August 2024.

Using data from America’s Health Rankings regarding the number of adults with a body mass index (BMI) or 30.0 or higher, Flex AI found West Virginia reported the highest frequency, according to the Good Men Project. Some 41% of adults in the state battle with obesity, with rates being similar for both men and women. (TAKE A POLL: Is Faith Integral to Your Understanding of Ethics and Morality?)

Louisiana was the second highest-ranking obesity state, with 40.1% of the population living with the disorder. Up next was Oklahoma (#3), Mississippi (#4), Tennessee (#5), Alabama (#6), Ohio (#7), and Delaware (#8), with Indiana, Wisconsin and Kentucky were tied as #9 overall. Arkansas and Iowa ranked #10.

Least Obese States?

The least obese state by individual reportage was Colorado, with just 25%, which was quickly followed by Hawaii (25.9%). “The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, with its ranking significantly higher when focusing on high-income countries,” Flex AI CEO Amin Niri told the outlet. “While there are numerous factors which play a part in this, the large portion sizes consumed by many Americans and inactive lifestyles are largely responsible … The combination of a higher calorie intake combined with less movement to burn through the excess inevitably results in weight gain.” (TAKE A POLL: Do You Feel Confident About the Current State of the Economy?)

Niri says adults need to engage in moderate aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes every week, and ideally take on vigorous activity for 75 minutes. “Small changes in your routine can help you achieve this, without having to drastically alter your lifestyle. For example, by doing a 20-minute workout before getting ready for the day or going for [a] walk after you finish work when the weather is nice,” Niri added.

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