

The New York Post editorial board published an op-ed Saturday that argued Democrats “have done everything they can” to ignore the issue of illegal immigrants and non U.S. citizens voting.

“States across the nation have over the past decade stricken tens of thousands of voters from their rolls after those voters were found to have admitted they were not citizens in interactions with state and local governments,” the board wrote in their argument. “Add in the fact that in a dozen-plus Democratic-run areas (like San Francisco, natch) illegals are already permitted to vote in local elections — obviously a greased path to voting in federal ones.” (TAKE A POLL: Are You Worried About the Spread of Pandemics?)

The board went on to say that the Biden-Harris administration is also responsible for a “tsunami” of illegal immigrants walking across the border since the start of their administration. The NY Post argued that data suggests as many as 27% of illegal immigrants who’ve entered the U.S. since 2021 are registered to vote here.

Justice Department Ignores The Problem?

The NY Post continued asserting blame on the Justice Department, too, who the Post believes seems “completely uninterested in going after illegal voters en masse, a bizarre fact given Democrats’ endlessly stated obsession with ‘defending democracy.'”

“What’s a bigger threat to democratic legitimacy than a city’s worth of people voting who have no legal right to?” the Post asked, which didn’t seem too rhetorical, given that we’re in an election year. “Even more eyebrow-raising is the fact that Senate Dems stopped the SAVE Act — a bill meant to address this very problem — dead in its tracks in July.”

What Happens Next?

No matter who illegal immigrants vote for, their vote is still illegal, the NY Post continued. “A clear cry to American citizens, with their faith in government hovering near all-time lows, that their rights simply don’t matter to the bigwigs.”

If something isn’t done to quell the number of illegal voters there are in the U.S. right now,, “November will only usher in chaos,” the board concluded. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Trust Your Local Government Officials?)

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